Sunday, March 29, 2009
Paso Doble
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Hour!!!
Don't fret~~~
Click here if you want to know available activities when the lights are off. XD!!!
Do support earth hour. With that one hour of turning off your lights, you can help our earth towards a better future.
Monday, March 23, 2009
We'll always be there to support you~~~
Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear. --- Monroe Forester
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Purple Ribbon

Yah, they were playing bingo. Maybe I'm mistaken.. Maybe they are jotting notes. But, they certainly are scribbling something on the piece of paper given to us. Then, I decided to play also.. with Ken and Yoke Ha. Haha..
When an hour passed 12, we were ushered into another room for lunch. And we thought it would be a normal lunch... with nasi lemak bungkus or something like that.. But, the meal is totally different from what we thought. Gosh... We had 6 course meal!!! And there are waiters serving us. Imagine that!!! I guess it's worth it after all. (there are those who commented on the cost of the meal...)
Hock Heng & Sunny - the Penangites~~~ Truly enjoying their food with surpising speed
After that, we changed clothes and fled. XD.. Kenneth, Liew, Sunny & Ashley had their own programme. Choo, Kar Wai, Pei Wen & Hock Heng went back. Which leaves me, Yoke Ha & Ken. We thought of going for ice-skating in Sunway Pyramid. But, it's crowded and we had to cancel our plan. This leaves Yoke Ha to go back home as her friends won't be able to make it to Sunway Pyramid; me and Ken going for our favourite dancing class. We had to stop by at Ken's house as he needs to get the car to drive us there. And, he has the chance to show off his piano skills. ==...
Our tiredness couldn't be any more obvious - we were practically struggling to catch up with the lesson as the class started an hour ago. There are a few changes in steps, tempo and also some add-in steps. I find it hard to concentrate and feel dizzy after a few spins of the foxtrot.. I pride myself in my energy level!!! Me and Ken were already dying by the time we were asked to partner up for the dance. Finally, we took our leave at half past 6. I got to go back home straightaway, but Ken has another programme he needed to attend. It's seriously a really tiring day. But fun nevertheless...
Energy level depletes faster nowadays. As I said before, I pride myself on my energy level!!! And my eyes are seriously malfunctioning. They start to ache and make me sleepy when night falls. And the hour is still early, namely 8. Seriously need some kind of drug to snap me out of it!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
They are such awesome creatures. Dogs are my first and true love apart from horses, dolphins, wolves and mythical creatures. Haha... But I do have the most adorable and unique hamster at home. And I love it to death. Although he does get on my nerves at times. ><.. Anyway, I woke up today and started to google doggy pictures. And these are those pictures I managed to find online.. among others. And I do so love these elegant and big dogs. Except the pomeranian.. Haha.. I just thought that the pomeranian is a rea poser. So, I just decided to put it up. Hahax.. XD
Bernese Mountain Dogs are gentle, cheerful, intelligent and are natural watchdogs but nor overly dominant. They are also fairly friendly with strangers and like most big dogs, needs to be socialized since a puppy. They are also easy to train although slow to mature... being puppy-like for quite some time. However, they are a loyal dog, self-confident, alert and good-natured. Those who have an apartment are not advisable to have this dog as they are inactive indoors and they need a lot of exercises.

Border Collies are a gift from heaven for those who wants to achieve high ranking in sports as they are agile and very intelligent. These dogs should not be kept by those who does not plan to spend a lot of time with them as their intelligence will be wasted and they'll be destructive in the house. This shows that this dogs are very intelligent and needs ample exercise.
>For More Information<

Very loyal, willing to please and quiet around the house. The Cane Corso is highly intelligent and very trainable. Active and even-minded, he is an unequalled watch and protection dog. The Cane Corso Italiano is great with children in the family. Docile and affectionate with the owner. They are protective yet gentle. The Cane Corso has a very stable temperament. It makes an excellent guard dog and watchdog. It will not wonder from the home. They stick close to their masters. If necessary he becomes a terrible and brave protector of people, house and property. The Cane Corso is not a fighting dog.
>For More Information<

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Gosh.. There's nothing better than to have a dog to accompany me now~~~ Too bad my housing area is not really keen at the idea. ><
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Let's Go For Holiday~~~
Let's go Lang Tengah for holiday!!! Who's interested?!?!?! Let's go!!!
Venue : Lang Tengah (somewhere near Redang)
Date : 12 May 2009 (subject to change)
Price : RM 359
Package Includes!!!
~ Return speed boat transfer
~ 2 nights accomodation (air-cond room with attached bedroom)
~ 2 b'fast, 2 lunch, 2 tea-break, 2 dinner (1BBQ)
~ Free flow of beverage from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. (exclude alcohol & carbonated drink)
~ Snorkelling trip (Lang Tengah + Redang Marine Park + House Reef)
~ 1 guided jungle trekking
Whoever interested please contact me:
To have a look at the place:
A.S.A.P. 2 weeks from now!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Maths & Science in English
"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." --- Alan Cohen
"No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow." --- Alice Walker
Tag!!! Argh!!!
Christina Lim Phui San
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)
Chrizzle??? Gosh.. Does this sounds like a Gangsta name??? Sounds more like a snack's name!!! ==
3. YOUR SPY NAME: (favorite colour and favourite animal).
Blue Wolf/Dolphin/Dog/Horse. LOL!!! Aw.. I can't decide with my favourite animals. There's too many...
4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it's a number).
Phui San Batu Muda.. ==".. Mali Mali.. Sini jual banyak barang orh.. That's how I sound like. Some kampung Ah Moi...
5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, and first 2 letters of your first name).
LimCH.. OMG!!! That's my dad's intials. Cool.. Lol
6. YOUR SUPERHERO/CRIMINAL NAME: (your 2nd favorite colour, and favourite drink).
BlackLemon~ Actually, I have a lot of favourite drinks. But, I prefer most of my drinks be accompanied with a lemon. Hee~~~
7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, and 3rd letter of your dads):
Hmlim.. This is getting ridiculous...
8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names).
Jok Yeng Choong Hwa.. >< 9 . YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets).
Black Chumi.. You call this gothic? Lol..
10 . YOUR HOOD NAME: (first 3 of your first name, and add -iqua):
Chriqua.. ==.. Glad that this is the last question.
***NOTE: I'm still retaining my real name. Thank you all. LOL
Since I'm a nice citizen, I'm not taggin anyone. Who wants to do it, feel free to do so. XD
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Four Colour Roll~Iced Longan Milk
Iced HoneyKen with his drink. There's actually another picture with him posing with the food. But, he's not sporting enough and deleted the picture. Boo!!! Shame on you KEN!!!
I'm such a catch!
For example:
Sadly, my dad had to sell away one of my cars because I don't think my house garage can fit another extra car since he's going to get a brand new Nissan Skyline to add in to our collection of 10 cars. Bye Bye my lovely Subaru Impreza.
I find that so many people are adding me in Facebook. Gosh, I shouldn't have put that picture of me in it. But, I know that they are not real friends, so.. I have to other choice than to reject them.
Haha!!! I'm so good at boasting. Lol.. It's a wonder I don't put them to good use.
Tagged by: Vivian
100 questions, here we go.
People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs
Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people
I've tagged : I spare everyone. But you can do if you feel like wanting to do something.
01. What have you been doing recently?
Studying, eating, sleeping, dancing~~~ Lol.. everything is what everyone does.
02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Sometimes. I believe that the cell phone needs to rest to.
03. What had happened at 10.00 am today?
Just came back from Imbi market. Gosh.. I really don't like the chicken section. You can hear all those still living chickens sqawking and clucking away before the woman put them in real boiling hot water. Gosh!!! I shall consider becoming veggie since I can't eat much nowadays. ><
04. When did you last cry?
Erm.. I think somewhere around last week. Was reading a Walk To Remember. But At First Sight made me cry even harder although I tried really hard to supress it.
05. Believe in fate/destiny?
Yah. Things happen making me believe in it.
06. What do you want in your life right now?
Complete my studies excellently. And also getting a new phone and a license. XD
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains,or just put up your hood?
Erm.. I prefer playing with the rain. I seldom use an umbrella even if I have one with me. XD
08.What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
I don't have one. I sleep on mattress on the floor. Haha.. That's my own home made bed and I love my MooMoo cow pillow.
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
Lol.. Teddy shorts
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
Erm.. I lost my phone and I seldom save mesages. The only message I have is the one sent by Rosilina which is quite sweet - "Friendship & Medicine, both are good for health. They care for us when we are not well, but the only difference is that friendship has no expiry date.. tc.. miss u"
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Lol.. I think so.
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Erm.. can't remember. So long didn't watch lovie in cinemas ady. ><
14. What are you proud of?
Erm.. My man-ness? Haha..
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
Same as the above. *refer to the above* LOL!
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Some old English song. Can't remember title.
17. Do you have any nicknames?
Teng (by Shal), Stick (by Makky & Vivian), Nana (by Ken).. Zzzz
18. What does you last received text message say?
I think it was from Ken - "Message me when they come". You see, he was late for dancing class because he was DOTA-ing. Zzzz
20. Are you currently happy?
I'm not sad. So.. should be happy
21. Who gives you best advice?
Sunny, Darling, Ken, Chee Kien, parents, Shal
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Erh.. No. ><
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
Darling. It was a short one since I just woke up and he didn't want to disturb me sleeping.
24.Is anyone bugging you right now?
Don't think so...
25.What/ Who was the last thing/ person to make you laugh?
Elephant Ken~~~
26. Do you wear toe socks?
Nope.. don't have one. Anyone wanna give me? LOL.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Sure.. But it's mended. XD
29. What annoys you most in a person?
People who boasts endlessly... ==
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
No gua.. Are actors included? XD
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
NO lorrrrrr
32. What is the colour of your room?
Yellow walls and white ceiling
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
Owh wow.. sounds appealing. But, I'm not certain about it until the opportunity presents itself
34. Do you believe in the saying of: talk is cheap?
Huh? Got such saying wan meh???
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
Lol.. dancing that time called hug or not ar? Lol
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
Erm.. nope. XD
38. Do you have a life?
Duh.. of course
39. Have you ever think someone died,when they really didn't die?????
No, don't think so.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
Erm.. where? MSN??? For fun only lor
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
*sighs* If only I could remember my dreams and have more frequent dreams
42. Last time you smiled?
A while ago. Chatting wif people and they said something cute.
43. Have you changed this year?
44. What are you listening right now?
Radio. 988. Haha..
45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this?
Nope.. Everyone in my household is busy. Plus my bro is not around.
46. Do you walk with your eyes opened or closed?
Haha.. Can teach me walk with my eyes closed please? It's so cool..
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Don't be like the person you despise
48. Do you want someone you cannot have?
Yah I guess.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Guitar. So long didn't touch it already. ><
50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
Erm.. All my ideas are good. Haha..
51. What are you doing last night at 11 pm?
Sleeping. It's really a tiring day after the dance yesterday..
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
Should be. ^^
53. What song best describe your love life?
Erm.. Can't think of one.
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
My bf? Lol..
55. Who always make you laugh?
College mates and my friends.
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin, very little BM, very little japanese and very little Hokkien. Ahaha..
57. Favourite website(s)?
Blogs and
58. What's your middle name?
Phui San?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
Assignments I think.
60. What do you think you are like?
Ask my friends. They are better judge. XD
61. Who will you choose to die with?
I die alone~~~
62. Where have you been today?
Imbi Market & Sentul Market
63. What game do you play often?
64. Who are you missing right now?
Those whom I've not seen for a while
65. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose?
Erm.. Don't want both. XD.. Because whoever I choose, I'm gonna hurt either one.
66. What are you doing right now?
Tagging & chatting. And Viwawa is such a pain. Connection really bad. Improve la plzzz
67. Which primary school are you from?
SRK Convent Sentul (2)
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Blue, Black, White
69. What emotion you like to show?
Blur~~~ Haha...
70. What is your life to you?
My everything
71. If you have something troubling you,what will you do?
Solve it.
72 Who did you last chat in msn today?
I'm stil chatting. XD
73. Who do you admire most?
Obama?? LOL.. No idea.
74. Which month are you born in?
Last month of the year - December
75. How are you feeling right now?
Neutral and slight happiness
76. What time now?
77. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
Vivian.. Blur.. stressed up. Someone yo would want to take care of. ^^
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
Me ori okayyyy? How dare you look down on my hair? Lol..
79. Why are you doing this test?
Because Vian says she'll be emo if I don't do. And I don't wanna add to her emo-ness. ><
80. What do you do when you're moody?
Keep quiet and look cross
81. At which age you wish to get married?
Don't really know.
82. Who is more important to you?
There's supposed to be a comparison.
83. If today is the last day of your life,what will you do?
Spend time with everyone I know.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
Erm.. Darling I think??
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
Yah.. I've been seeing one quite often. Although not always.
86. If you have a dream come true,what would it be?
Live a really really happy life? And be in fairytale. Haha..
87. What is your goal for this year?
Get good results for my foundations.
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yah.. I think so..?
89. What feeling do you love most?
Completing my responsibilities well. And being appreciated. And also loved. I guess that's how everyone loves ryte?
90. Do you really think it's global warming now?
Yah.. Totally. I hope everyone will be more conscious about our environment.
91. What feeling do you hate the most?
Being used. Not appreciated. And hated.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yah.. I try my best to cherish all my friends.
93. Do you believe in God?
I think so..
94. Who cares for you most?
Naturally.. my family and the one who loves me???
95. What do you think is the most important thing in you life?
Haha.. Health, Wealth, Loyal Friend and Loving Family. LOLOL!!!
96. What will you bring when you fight?
I've never been in a physical fight before. But if i do.. I'll present my... GUN!! *bang bang* DIE ALL!!! ==
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
A few.. I'm starting to learn to not to do things that will make me regret.
98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Super super sad!!! Suicidal even? But, who says I can't continue caring for others? ^^
99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?
Bye Bye le... KILLER INSTINCT takes over. Hehx.. Careful...
100. How do you feel now?
Finally!! I'm done with this tag. OMIGOSH!! WHO ON EARTH CREATED THIS THING???
Beginning and The Last~

This is mine!!!

Poses by fellow Nokia 3310~~~
Anyway, shortly after my phone went missing, Kenneth came with a Nokia 3310. Same colour with mine somemore. Haha!!! I started pestering him to give me back my phone. It appears that his old phone got soaked in water when he was playing volleyball. So, he had to use of the old phones available in his house. He's nice enough to offer me one of his old phones to use. Thanks Kenneth!!! But like him, my house also has a few old phones. Which means that, I'm not getting a new phone.. yet~~ Hehe... I thought of getting a new phone when I get a job. And with my salary, I'm going to get a new phone. Whee~~~ Provided if my dad is going to pay for my license. Planning to get license also~~~ Haha...
Anyway, this is going to be the last semester for me in Foundation In Science in UTAR. And after that, I'm going to go for my degree. Gosh.. Time flies. The subjects I'm taking this semester is relatively lesser than last 2 semesters which are:
1. English for Communication
2. Web Page Design
3. Management Studies
The assignments are piling up like.. GOSH!!!
Since there's only 7 weeks this semester, assignments are given to us relatively early.
3 BIG ASSIGNMENTS to be done in 5 weeks!!! How nice can my life get??? ^^
I've got to do a drama for my English for communications. I kind of look forward to this assignment. Basically, we've come up with the synopsis. My members are:
1. Thiyagoo (main actor)
2.Yoke Ha (Daughter)
3. Nevin (Mentally challenged son. Haha..)
4. San Len (Narrator and odd jobs)
I'm glad that my team members are co-operating and even Thiyagoo is volunteering to write the script. Hehe.. I hope everything turns out good~
Then, there's Management Studies. Where we have to find a leader and do some research about him. Kudos to Yoke Ha who found a leader for us to do research on. My lovely members are:
1. Yoke Ha
2. Tan Seng Ying
3. Francis Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
4. Chew Kok Fai
And the last assignment is Web Page Design. We have to create a Web Page with our own business. My team members decided to do Spa. And we also came up with out own URL already. Not bad.. Many things have been decided for the first week. And it's a change that I'm not the one coming up with ideas. Ekekekeke... My stunning members:
1. Yoke Ha
2. Shulakshna
3. Ellana
4. Anna
Everything is going to be a rush this semester. On the plus side, we'll be finishing semester 3 soon. Whoo~