Monday, June 22, 2009

Selfish... Really...

Honestly people, please don't be a fishmonger.


Today I went to the market with my parents. And the market we went is always crowded every single weekend as it is very popular. So, whenever we want to eat, we had to hunt for a place. And today, although we managed to find a table, we were short of one chair for my dad. So, I went to the neighbour table to get a chair since I saw an extra chair:

" Me: Err..Uncle. Is this seat taken??? *smiles politely*

Bloody Uncle: Yeah.. Yeah.. Yeah.. *smiles exaggeratedly like some bitch*

Me: Umm.. But there are 2 seats here. Are both these seats taken??? *I saw only one fella get out to get food*

Bloody Uncle: YeaYeaYeaYeaYea.. It's taken.. It's taken.. *still has that bitchy smile. NOTE: Uncle is a GUY*

Me: Owh.. Okay... Thanks... *walks away* "

Then.. Dad came back from ordering food.. Luckily with a chair for himself to sit. I was thinking "That bloody uncle better be telling me the truth that there's another person sitting there". Then, I turned my head to his direction and saw(to my frustration) he got up from his original place and sit on the chair that I wanted PLUS the seat next to him is occupied by his newspaper!!! ARGH!!! WHAT THE?!?!?!?

I told my mum about it... She said "It's like that one lar.. Kiasu"... OH MY GOD!!! In this crowded market with so many people standing by each table just waiting for a chance to sit down and have their breakfast, please be more considerate and DON'T SAVE THE SEAT FOR A NEWSPAPER!!!

*No offense to real fishmongers. I don't mean it literally. PEACE... I still need real fishmongers for real fish supply*

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