Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Semester in A Whole New Place~~~!!!

My blog is nearing it's death's day again... =.="...
Sorry.. I found out that I've became more devoted to my new degree.
(We shall see when will my fiery determination burn out)
Plus, my internet connection at home had been haywire for 3 weeks plus already.
Something wrong with the
LAN (Local Area Connection) network.
And I really don't know what else can I do other than calling and calling Streamyx up to solve the prob.
So there goes
day.. after day.. after day... after day.. after day.. TILL NOW!

Anyway, my new semester is quite okay. I noticed that it's different from foundations. Where:

1) Lecturers don't really mind whether you listen to their lectures or not. We're big enough to think.

2) You're really gonna flunk the whole course if you don't pay attention in class.

3) The people there are different from foundations.

(I'm starting to think of it as my problem. My foundation group pepz are really fun and crazy!!! It's sort of my prob that I'm shutting myself from the other pepz. ARGH!!! Lol.. Blame TD15 for being such great pepz...)

4) Students are actually PAYING ATTENTION in class compared to last time during foundations.

I guess that's what I can think of so far. This 3 weeks has not yet been a busy week for me.

I'm just waiting for assignments to pile up. And then that's where things truly starts...

In fact I'm so NOT busy that:

~ We had steamboat in Sunny's place in PV5

~ We had weekly badminton games

~ I managed to catch Terminator Salvation with Chee Kian

~ Chu, Joyce, Pei Wen, Me, Hock Heng, Min Yang and Tok managed to play this eye-power-squeezing game in the library. Trust me, it's really eye-power squeezing.

LOL! Being in this Setapak campus needs a whole new adjustment as there's an OFFICIAL LECTURE HALL!!! No more classrooms during lecture~~~ And also, since I'm commuting by public transport, there's a loooooooooooooong way to walk.

OH!!! And there's a subject this semester that really caught my attention (although now not really anymore coz it's not easy to learn.. Plus, I'm not from chinese background whih makes it all the harder) which is JAPANESE LANGUAGE~~~

And surely, subjects that is a must for Actuarists: Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Discrete Mathematics...

Plus additional: Business Accountings and Programming.

Seriously, Actuarial Science SHOULD NOT be called Actuarial Science anymore. I don't know why is the "Science" there. And it's hard to communicate to other people telling that I'm an Actuarial Science students.

Some will be "Oh.. So, you taking science subjects ar???"

While some... "Huh???"

And I usually find myself just saying "I'm studying counting. Where I will have to count, count, and COUNT in the future. You know, something like accounting. =)"

And that seems to do the trick where they'll just "Oh~~~"...

Both parties also happy. =.="..

I guess that's all I can doodle for the time being.

And honestly, everytime I open the newspaper, all I can see are bad news.

Abused maids.

Child kidnapped.

Robbers attacking eateries.

Haihz... What's to happen in a few years times???

And I'm starting to despise the development happening in Sentul.

Yah.. I know that development is good.

But, I'm going to miss the cows that are gonna be herded to another place...

And the shops lots opposite my previous house...

The silence that is comforting at times...

The country-ish feel of the place...

The old uncles and aunties that watched me grow up...

The sound of kids running around...

The sound of the bicycle of the candy seller late at night...

The times where you don't need to worry even if you're walking alone on the streets...

And so much.. so much more... are now but mere memories...

*As people grow up, things change.. They start to pursue things and start to forget things that are dear to them once upon a time.. Old things forgotten, new things cherished. Nothing is forever... As the cycle repeats itself*

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