Sunday, April 12, 2009

The bitter and the sweets

Time flies by so fast and now it's already the 6th week of my third sem as well as other fellow UTARians who's in their third sem. Come tomorrow and it's going to be the last week for us to be together before we enter our study week and obviously... Sem 3 finals!

Throughout my one year in UTAR, I've come across many types of people. Namely, the ones whom I like and there are those that I dislike.

There are those people that are willing to go the distance to help out and shoulder their responsibilities well BUT there are those that shrink away from their responsibility and wouldn't even bother lifting one eye at you if it's not their problem. There are those special cases where they wouldn't do anything and wait for things to drop on their laps (eventhough it's concerning very important things to them) and there are those who will push their responsibilities to others to do when actually, they are very free and the task they have won't even take half an hour to finish it up. Then, they would come up to you and tell how tired they are although in reality, the work he/she does is not even half of the assignment while others who is dying for the assignments wouldn't even complain.

Yah, it's common phenomenon when we are assigned to do group assignments. That's why I prefer individual assignments although it's hell of a tougher to do. But, group assignments are very enjoyable when you get good teamwork between your members.

There are also victims who would get blamed for everything in an assignment because that particular person is already branded as "not likable" or for other personal problems. Something like a prejudice. Although that person has tried his best, it's just not enough and he has to go the extra mile.

I would like to thank those who has helped me a lot throughout this year, namely:

  • Ching
  • Shin
  • Sunny
  • Dai Lou
  • Joyce

There are also those who are nice and helped me although I can't be considered as a friend to them - Senior Adrin and Cel.

Oh yah, not to mention the ungrateful person whom I have introduced to the PMP programme and then forgotten me when it is him who didn't approach me although I've time and again mentioned "Do find me when you have any problems". Honestly, just because I'm your mentor, doesn't mean I have to dog at your heels every waking milisecond of my life. I have my own life to live. I guess I'm just a bad mentor. I'll try to avoid being one in the future. The more I know about humans, the more they irk me. That's the kind that the world could do better without.

To others whom I've not mentioned, I love you guys a lot too. You guys added colours to my life~~~ Without you, my life at college wouldn't be as colourful.

Thanks for all those activities you accompanied me to when noone is interested.

Thanks for all those food we have although I've gotten fatter.

Thanks for telling me so many tales about you and keep me amused.

Thanks for being my first friend in UTAR.

Thanks for always bullying me.

Thank you for the memories which I will cherish throughout my life.

THANK YOU and may all of you lead a bright future ahead. ^^.

*When people come and go, you will still remember them because they leave footprints in your heart.

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