Sunday, January 11, 2009


Tagged by: Sunny Ooi~~~

I tag :
1. Victor
2. Lynnett
3. Brandon
4. Yoke Ha
5. Benson
6. Sunny
7. Choo
8. Bloody Prince Ken
9. Yin
10. Makky

#1 You know 1? ~Like... duh...

#2 What would you do if 3&4 dated you?
~omgomg!!! Lol.. one is my lil' marshmallow son and another is my gal friend. Now, that would be interesting? Lol!!!

#3 Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
~Erh... Benson & Sunny??? Gosh... they seem to get along well as buddies. Couple.. ermmm...

#4 Do you think 7 is attractive?
~Hell.. yeah. LOL. in a special way.

#5 Do you know anything about 8's family?
~Erm.. not really.

#6 Tell me something about 9
~She's super cute. And I really doubt whether her face will change with time. Hahaha..

#7 What language does 2 speaks?
~Various... Namely: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Malay, a bit of hokkien, VERY VERY lil' of japanese. LOL

#8 Who is 3 going out with?
~he's single!!! All gals out there~~~ He's a good catch.

#9 How old is 4?
~18.. sometimes 81, sometimes 9.. Hehx

#10 When was the last time u talk to 5?
~Friday. And we talked a LOT~~~

#11 Who is 6's favourite singer?
~Don't know. Sorry Sunny. I don't know are a fan of musics.

#12 Would you date 7?
~If I switch gender??? erh.. no comments. XD

#13 What is 9's last name?
~Ee Yin

#14 Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
~I don't think it needs to be considered. XD

#15 Which school does 2 goes to?
~Taylor's College.


Anonymous said...


TAGS...rawr! XP

Anonymous said...

18, 81 , 9!!!!!!
my not normal!

~misS alieN~