Monday, October 05, 2009

Hari Raya..?

Another 1 month of abandoning my blog.
And I'm suprised that there are people asking me to update my blog.
Touché.. *wipes tears*.. Haha...

So anyway, it's already October.
September was a month of birthdays.
Will blog about those soon.. hopefully.. XD..

Oh.. I have this really cute experience during Hari Raya.
I experience the "One Malaysia" spirit and also an early Halloween~~~
You see, fire crackers have always been the trademark of Chinese New Year.
And now, it's being used for every single biggy occassion.
It's so darn irritating when it "pippoppippop" every single day for almost 5 days. ><...
Oh.. And have I mentioned before???
That during Chinese New Years, suprisingly, it's not the Chinese who plays with the fire crackers? Hehx... Really One Malaysia~~~~

And there's also early Halloween where kids will come to my house and ask for "duit raya" (Raya money).
The first day, when we heard kids, my grandma went out to see who was it.
When my grandma didn't want to give, one of the kids scolded "sohai" (a top level Cantonese foul word) and ran off.
It's amazing how kids catch up with languages these days. XP...
Oh.. And the fun part is when my mum went out and hunt for the kids and whacked one of their asses.
Anyway, my mum really rock at times.
I inspire to be as daring as her.
She even disturbed my dad's Japanese boss just to test his English proficiency because he said my dad's English is no good.
LOL... Yeap.. That's my mum. =X
Haha.. My first post after so long is so full of sarcasm. Haha...
Oh, holidays is here~~~
Rotting at home and I'm not complaining!!!

*Angpows and firecrackers.. Then it's "lou sang".. I wonder what's next..?

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