Akon's concert is the second concert I've attended - the first was Guang Liang's concert!!! Also thanks to Chivas. And big huggies to Brandon Chinese for the tickets!!! It was at the Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach.

Oh.. about the concert. It was all good. Simon was the most excited one because among us - Lynnett, Simon and Me - he is the biggest fan. LOL. Wesha (Brandon's "friend") was there too. And Brandon was busy switching between VIP and Chivalry Zone. Hahx...
Among the songs I recognize sung by Akon was Dangerous, Beautiful, Right Now, Don't Matter, I Wanna Love You, Smack That... That's all I remembered. LOL! There were other songs of course.
Akon also get off the stage to get carried by his fans! Luckily we weren't in front of the line.. I can imagine Lynn's face if the water splashed on her. LOL!
And we bumped into Jack and Dan. Hahx
We also hit the club (Euphoria by MOS) for the after-party.
It's my first time stepping into a club!!! Haha... Pardon my "sakai"-ness
But it wasn't much of an experience.
Because I didn't get to drink anything... *sobs*
And we didn't dance also.
So, I didn't get much of the Club feeling. *sighs*
Anyway, I'll make sure the next time I hit any clubs, I'll make it a more memorable one. Ehehe~~~
We left early - Around 12 midnight?
And went for tea in Wong Kok.
And Dan came in and sapu all the food. Haha.. He's REALLY hungry.
As usual, concerts don't allow camera or recorders. But of course, camera comes in real handy here. XD...
Will try to upload more pictures about his concert.
All in all, it was an enjoyable concert!