Okay, enough about the pay, let's talk about the place. Basically, TPV is really nice and grand. The have Women's Wardrobe and also Men's wardrobe. Including accessories, bags, shoes, fragrance and watches. Tangs originates from Singapore and now in Malaysia. When I say Tangs, some of you must be thinking that, "oh.. Tangs.. the one that closed down in Starhill because of bankruptsy." Actually, the staffs said that it's not Tangs bancrupt but it's because YTL don't want to rent out the lot anymore. That's why Tangs stopped operating until September when Pavilion was built. The things sold in Tangs is branded, of course. I can only manage to window shop. Haha... I really have to salute the interior of dressing room which is the department that sells lingerie. Haha... It's really nice and the fitting room is really unique and truly one in a million. Come and see for yourself, honestly..! So far, my job has been going on smoothly except for some complication that arised due to selfishness. And I learnt that not everything is fair. Who's the bos, they will be in charge!!! Well, it's all part of the game, right?
Anyway, I'm really happy to say that I do have sweet moments while working there. I made new friends although they're older than me, but hey... who cares? Lolz.. They're really nice to be and chat with. I really miss Kak Azlin and Ah Lan auntie!!! The worked there for a month onli since they're under Triumph and will always rotate. Although there's another new girl, but it's really not the same as Kak Lin and Ah Lan. Haihz.. Nevermind, I know where they are now. I'm so gonna go and disturb them. Hahaha!!!
Another nice thing was that a lot of my friends came and visited me during my working hours. First, it was Vivian. Then my hunny. Third was Vivian, Makky and my hunny. They came to celebrate my birthday with me!!! Next came Lynn. Today, I saw the whole of 5B students. Haha... I really miss some of them. Sherrie, Sue Anne, Xiao Ci, Cheryl. gah!!! Anyway, Amanda is also working with me but she's in Customer Service department. Bavani got transferred to Island Shop in Bangsar Village. Haha.... Nearer to her house i guess. Then, Ken came and visited me. Lynn ran away last minute. He wanted to visit me since last 3 days. But, fate don't permit it. Lolz.. His favourite word. Finally, we got to hang out a while. First, we walked without any sense of direction. Then, we came to a dead end and decided to go and have a drink at Food Republic. I was really blur as I usually eat in my lounge. Somehow, I managed to find the Fruit Juice stall. Just a small cup of juice costs RM4!!! Haihz... Then we sat down and started our "ejek-ing" session. Haha... It was really fun lar. And it's really nice of him to visit me although we knew each other only for a few days. But, we really do have a lot of topics to talk about ranging from bra to jeans. Lolz!!! Oh yah, I'm the Snow Princess and he named himself the Snow White Prince. Since he called me Bloody Red Princess, i decided to name him Bloody Prince. Lolz!!! BP gas station. Oh yah, he calls himself the gila artist. He's really really good in drawing. Although Ken can't stop bullying me, but he's a really nice and caring guy. He cares a lot for his friends. And I mean a LOT!!! He says that he feels happy doing it and he loves making people happy lor. It's really a torture to be beside him because he'll make you laugh non-stop and sometimes even your tummy aches. Hahaha... I'm really blessed to know such a "mangkuk" friend like him. With this introduction of Bloody Prince, i shall end my post for today. Frens 4eva Ken~~~

Introducing bloody prince and Lynnett.
Ken's drawing of Avril. Really cool huh??? simply luv it